Odwalla Odwalla Bar! Nourishing Food Bar, Peanut Crunch
Whole Fruit and Grains. Ingredients you can pronounce. 8 Grams of protein. No GMO. Hi-energy. Dairy free. Real nuts & Grains. No refined sugars. This product is 25% organic ingredients. Odwalla was founded in 1980 by three musicians with the dream of a healthy world. Their mission: make great juice and bring a heart to business. Today Odwalla serves people coast to coast with a vibrant family of beverages and deep commitment to building community. We are proud to offer the Odwalla Bar as our latest expression of Nourishing the body whole. GMO--genetically modified organism--are techniques that alter organisms by means that are not possible under natural conditions. We avoid using GMOs in our products through a superior sourcing system, which ensures we use nature's best foods. Product of USA.